Car Wont Start After Getting Gas – How To Fix This Problem?


11 February 2023


car wont start after getting gas

Imagine you are in the middle of a long highway, and your car stops working suddenly. There are no towns in sight for hundreds of miles, so there are no pumps and garages either. However, you still have gas in your tank. Do you know why your car wont start after getting gas?

If you wish to prevent such a dreary situation, you must learn the answers to this aforementioned question. Here, I have listed several reasons why this might happen and what you must do to avoid them.

Why Car Wont Start After Getting Gas?

The primary reasons why your car won’t start after getting gas on the engine can vary from person to person. However, for most vehicle owners, these are the most commonly associated reasons:

1. The Battery Is Dead Or Corroded

If you don’t see your car running even after you hit the gas, then the car battery is the most common problem that most people face. There is a high chance that your car battery has got depleted over time or its battery terminals have corroded.

As a car driver, you should know that all car batteries have a life of three to five years. There are various ways why your car battery might deplete fast. This includes leaving the headlights on when not driving.

To test this, try charging the battery somehow and testing the alternator together at 12v.

2. The Alternator Is Damaged

In the previous point, I explained how the battery could be the source of all your troubles. In the end, I explained charging the battery and alternator at 12v.

If you see your battery start functioning properly but still won’t start your car, then you know whom to blame.

For the uninitiated, the alternator is the machine that charges up the battery as the car is running. If it’s damaged, your battery will never be fully charged and will discharge pretty quickly.

Therefore, always keep a multimeter in hand to check the status of your alternator. Use it to test the alternator in two ways. If the readings are lower than these readings, then change your alternator:

  • When the engine is off: If the multimeter reading is less than 12v, it’s faulty.
  • When the engine is on: If the multimeter reading does not increase more than 12v, it’s faulty.

3. The Fuel Filter Is Clogged

The fuel filter is a car part that is responsible for filtering out contaminants in the fuel reaching the engine. This mainly includes solid particulates like dirt and other debris.

However, since the fuel filter traps all the dirt, it can get clogged with particulates over time. You can understand this by gauging the efficacy of your car. If its mileage and performance decrease suddenly over time, then your filter is clogged.

Therefore, a good practice is to clear out and clean your fuel filter every 25,000 miles.

4. The Fuel Pump Is Defective

The fuel pump is one of the most important machines that help turn your car. The fuel pump helps in pumping your engine full of fuel from your fuel tank. Therefore, if your car is not starting, it could be that the engine is not getting any fuel due to a damaged fuel pump.

Your car’s fuel pump can get damaged over time due to the heat of the car engine, which is always situated close to it. If you think your fuel pump is at fault here, then you can start by checking its pressure using a fuel gauge.

This is another pretty common reason as to why your car wont start after getting gas.

5. There Are Defects In The Starter Motor/Circuit

The starter motor or circuit is responsible for turning or revving your engine. Therefore, whenever you press the ignition button, the starter turns your engine, which in turn makes your car accelerate. 

Therefore, if your car is not starting even though it has gas, your starter motor can be at fault here. This can happen because it may have a solenoid. On the other hand, it can be because of a faulty ignition switch as well.

If this is the case, then you need to get a mechanic to repair it. Repairing the starter motor can cost up to $360.

6. There Is Not Enough Spark

If you have a petrol engine, then your car will definitely have spark plugs inside. These plugs are responsible for igniting the oil in the engine, which then helps it run.

If you notice your engine misfiring a lot when starting up, then your spark plugs are to blame. Getting them changed based on the recommendations of the car manual.

How To Fix This Issue?

How To Fix This Issue?

If your car struggles to start after putting gas in, then there is an issue with the parts explained above. Therefore, to fix this issue and get your car and yourself back on track, there is a pretty simple fix. This is what you need to do, in a step-by-step fashion, as described below:

1. First, try starting the car engine and again until it starts working.

2. Next, you can try opening the car hood and checking all the wires attached to the car battery. If you see any of the fires disconnected, try connecting them (only if you know how to).

Apart from doing these two actions, there is nothing much that you can do. If you see your car remain still after performing these two actions, then you need to contact the nearest garage or mechanic around you.

If you are stranded in the middle of a road or on a highway, then you should keep the numbers of various garages and mechanics handy. A call to a mechanic or garage will solve your problem quickly if you can’t tow it to the closest one.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):

People ask lots of questions regarding why their car wont start after getting gas. Here are my answers to their questions:

Q1. Why Does My Car Sputtering After Getting Gas?

Ans: There can be two reasons why your car sputters after getting gas on it. The two reasons are:

Your EVAP control valve is damaged.
You are using the incorrect fuel for your engine or a low-quality one.

Q2. Can Bad Gas Make My Car Not Start?

Ans: Bad gas refers to the residual fuel in your engine that has not burnt completely. Over time, this gas can get stuck to the motor and the fuel pump. If this happens, then your car will not function properly.


There are many reasons why your car wont start after getting gas. These reasons include damaged batteries, starters, fuel pumps, spark plugs, and fuel filters. The only solution to this problem is to have any broken parts fixed. Therefore, to keep it working at its best, have your automobile checked out and serviced on a regular basis.

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Debamalya is a professional content writer from Kolkata, India. Constantly improving himself in this industry for more than three years, he has amassed immense knowledge regarding his niches of writing tech and gaming articles. He loves spending time with his cats, along with playing every new PC action game as soon as possible.

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Car’s Fuel Efficiency

6 Effective Ways To Improve Your Car’s Fuel Efficiency

Owning a car comes with many perks. You no longer have to endure the hassle of using public transportation when you can sit in the comfort of your own car. Along with this, you no longer have to wait for the bus schedule or squeeze yourself with everyone during the rush hour. However, even with the amazing benefits that your car can provide, there are some drawbacks. Unless your car’s electric, your vehicle needs gas to run for miles. Unfortunately, fuel prices are constantly increasing. While looking for the best gas stations that provide cheaper rates would be a great option, maximizing its efficiency could also be helpful. Some Ways To Improve Your Car’s Fuel Efficiency: 1. Go Easy On The Pedals As soon as you step inside your car, one thing you should keep in mind is to drive smoothly as possible. Not only that it can prevent you from pushing forward and backward every time your step on the brake and accelerator pedals, but it can also help you to save on your fuel consumption. Harsh driving and intense stepping on the pedals can hurt your vehicle and gas consumption, causing even more visits to the gas station. While it might sound exciting to frequently move your body and be intense with your every movement as if you’re a race car driver, it can negatively affect your gas consumption. In most cases, you’ll decrease your fuel efficiency by 15 to 30%. To prevent yourself from wasting money, you should go easy on the pedals and drive smoothly as possible. 2. Don’t Race On The Road An open road without any cars nearby might tempt you to test your speed limit. While it might sound exciting and fun, you should expect higher gas consumption. When you speed, you spend more fuel covering the same distance you would if you went a bit slower. If you’d like to save on gas, you should try to go slow, yet appropriate for the road, as much as possible. Research shows that your car is burning 25% more fuel if you’re running 80mph compared to 70mph. Moreover, depending on the car, driving over 50mph can reduce your fuel economy by 7 to 14%. If there’s no need to rush, try to slow down your speed and conserve your fuel as much as possible. 3. Check For Proper Tire Pressure While it might seem like a separate topic, your vehicle’s tire pressure can affect your car's fuel efficiency, forcing your car to work twice as much and burn your gas. You should begin by identifying your car’s ideal tire pressure and ensure that you keep it that way for your entire ride. Check your tire pressure at least every two weeks at the gas station or do it at home using a gauge and see if you need to add more air. If you choose to allow your vehicle to run with inadequate tire pressure, usually less than ten psi, it might affect your fuel economy by 10% for the entire trip. However, even with a single tire with an incorrect psi, it can still reduce your fuel’s efficiency by 3.3%. Moreover, this is only part of the car maintenance habits that you should observe regularly. 4. Remove Unnecessary Weight The heavier your car is, the more power it needs to run at your desired speed. Even if your vehicle can carry everything you put inside, it’ll only put more work on the machine, requiring additional fuel consumption. You should reduce what you throw inside as much as possible. If you don’t need to bring your kid’s stroller with you all the time or carry your bag full of clothes inside your car, you should consider leaving them behind unless you really need them for the day. Apart from unloading your trunks, you should also consider removing any unnecessary attachments inside your car. This will include your roof boxes and bike rack. If you don’t need them, you should just store them in the garage and attach them when required. While it might be added work, it could help you to improve your car’s fuel efficiency. 5. Plan Your Trips Planning your trips ahead goes a long way in maximizing your travel at the lowest cost. You’ll see which roads you should take, pinpoint heavy traffic points, and decide to take on shorter routes. To help improve your car’s fuel efficiency, you should check the traffic condition by checking the news or using a satellite navigation app that allows you to see the traffic condition in real-time. Moreover, avoiding rush hour would also help as it’s a traffic magnet, forcing you to be idle for a long time. Along with planning your trips, you should also consider making a single long trip, rather than reducing your trips into multiple ones, thinking that it’ll be more fuel-efficient. If you plan on making two short trips instead of one, you’re wasting more gas as your car would consume more fuel each time you turn it on. 6. Turn Off The Engine If you need to wait for someone while in the car, you might want to consider turning off your engine to save on gas. Even if you’re not driving your vehicle as you put it in a parking transmission, it’s consuming an adequate amount of gas, which could call for a visit to the gas station immediately. To avoid this happening, you should consider turning off your engine. When you turn off your engine, you can choose to leave the car or stay inside. However, if you’re staying, you should ensure that you keep your windows open to allow for proper ventilation as your car would be sealed shut, not giving you enough air to breathe in. Takeaway Improving your car’s fuel efficiency can really be challenging, especially if you have a usual driving habit. But trying to be a smooth driver would surely make everyone feel comfortable every time you’re behind the wheel. Moreover, reducing your car’s weight effectively allows for more space while also putting less pressure on your engine. Above all, always check for your tire pressure as they’re the most common reasons why vehicles are burning their fuel consumption. Read Also: 5 Signs Your Car Needs a Tune Up 10 Causes Of Uber Accidents In The United States Choosing the Right Anti-Theft Devices For Your Car In Houston TX

How Long Can You Go Without An Oil Change_

How Long Can You Go Without An Oil Change?

How long can you go without an oil change? Is this something that you have been searching for? If yes, then you have reached the right place for an answer. We all know that we need to change the oil of the engine once in a while. But, really, how long can we go on without changing it? And what happens if we don't do it for a very long time? There are so many things that you will learn in this blog. So there is one thing you need to do! Keep reading this blog till the end to learn more… How Long Can You Go Without An Oil Change? Image Source If you are searching for the answer to "how long can you go without an oil change," you have come to the right place. The answer is simple, yurt not! So bare with me, and let me explain. Previously, car owners were advised to go for an oil change after every 3,000 miles. This was long back when the condition of the engines was not as high as they are now. Technology has changed the way we live now. And it has also been able to improve the quality of the vehicle engines. That is the reason why now, cars can generally go from 5,000 miles to 7,000 miles without an oil change. However, this also depends on the quality of the oil. For example, if you are using synthetic oil for your vehicle, you might not need an oil change for a very long time. Most people who use synthetic oil for their car can go on for 10,000 miles to 15,000 miles without an oil change. So, the shortest answer to "how long can you go without an oil change" will be 5,000 miles to 7,000 miles. How Often Should You Get An Oil Change? While it is true that in modern times, you can go on without an oil change for up to 5,000 miles to 7,000 miles, waiting that long is still not ideal for the engine of the car. The interval that you should keep in mind for an oil change generally depends from car to car or from manufacturer to manufacturer. In the case of most cars, manufacturers recommend that you get an oil change twice every year. This means that it does not matter how much or how many miles you have driven; it is still best to get your oil changed every six months. The car manufacturer usually recommends the optimum time interval for an oil change, and it can be found in the manual. All the cars these days have a monitoring system that tracks the oil life for your mileage and other driving habits. This system helps you to understand when it is time for an oil change. Why Should You Get An Oil Change? There are a number of people who still are unaware of the reason why you should get an oil change for your vehicle engine. Here is the reason why you need to get an oil change and why it is required: Lubrication: Oiling the engine of the car makes sure that there is enough lubrication to keep the engine working. As the car engines work together, it causes a lot of friction among them. Oiling the engines creates harmony and ensures that they are able to keep the car in good health. Impact On Gas Mileage: One of the most important reasons for oiling the car or going for an oil change is that it has a positive impact on the gas mileage of the vehicle. It makes sure that there is a reduction in fuel consumption. Regulates The Engine Temperature: Last but not least, an oil change is essential as it helps to regulate the temperature of the engine. It keeps to components of the engine cooler by lubricating and reducing friction. How To Know If You Need An Oil Change? Image Source When an oil change is necessary, there are a number of warning signals that you may look out for. So if you are someone who does not know when the engine needs it, you need to check on these warning signs. Take a look at these: Burning Smell: When the engine needs an oil change, you will often get a smell of oil burning. This smell is strong and often fills the cabin or the front seat. The Dashboard: The dashboard of the car, where all the vitals of the engine is shown, plays one of the most important parts in indicating when you need an oil change. Change In Color: The color of the engine oil is mostly clear and amber. If you have not gone for an oil change in a long time, you will notice that the oil has turned black while collecting all the debris from the engine. The Engine Makes Noise: This is the most important indicator. However, you should not wait so long. If there is not enough oil in the car, the engine will start making a noise because of friction. Wrapping It Up! A lot of people often ask about how long can you go without an oil change. If that was something that you were searching for, I hope that this article has been of help to you. If there are any other questions that you might have related to the same, please do not hesitate to ask me. Scroll down at the bottom of the page to leave your queries in the comment box. And I will be there with all the answers that you need! Read Also: How To Choose The Best Wheels And Tires For Your Vehicle? Car Wont Start After Getting Gas – How To Fix This Problem? Car Shakes At Idle But Smooths Out While Driving – How To Fix This Problem?