Top Non-Physician Career Opportunities in the Healthcare Sector in 2021


24 March 2021

Job & Career

Non-Physician Career Opportunities

Healthcare is a field that stretches to every region and sector. Gone are the days when only surgeons and physicians claim the spots of significant career paths in this domain.

Previously, when anyone would think of a successful vocation, doctors would instantly come to mind. The amount of work and commitment that the jobs mentioned above require is astounding.

Years and years of critical studies, practical learning, and research enable individuals to set foot in this particular field.

However, now with the depth in healthcare, the number of career opportunities has multiplied tenfold. You can strive towards your desire to work for society in this area and avoid an immensely challenging process. All you need is commitment and dedication, and you will have innumerable opportunities at your doorstep.

Here is a list of a few of the non-physician career openings in the healthcare field in 2021.

1. Paramedic:


They are mainly on the front line and provide support in situations that need immediate medical attention. From transporting patients to hospitals to treating them with instant care, these people manage and see it all.

The kind of experience and requirements that are essential for a paramedic depends on the prospective position. An initial and critical prerequisite in paramedical science helps individuals get employed as graduate paramedics or qualified. It could be a degree or even a diploma depending on the career path a paramedic is willing to pursue.

A convincing reason why this field is rapidly on the rise is due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The entire world has been requiring urgent medical care, and only paramedics can come through and help in such situations.

 2. Clinical Administrator:

A clinical administrator is one of the most illustrious careers in healthcare.

A crucial medical criterion like a master in healthcare leadership is the ground basis for it. It mainly includes guiding and providing professional leadership to medical staff and ensuring compliance with all essential medical standards. Being in the administration can give you a competitive edge.

It helps you fully understand the operations and management of the entire system. Through the ultimate handling of risk management, you can train yourself to work in critical conditions. It can be very beneficial if you decide to switch jobs.

The opportunity to grow further as clinical administrators are vast and can eventually lead to directorial positions in facilities.

3. Veterinarian:


We live in a dehumanizing society. In a time like this, opting for a selfless profession is truly rare.

Working for the welfare of the people is not sufficient, as working for animals is equally important. A career that has been gaining immense popularity in healthcare is a veterinarian. Most of them work in the private sector and ensure that our furry friends’ health remains in optimal conditions.

Additionally, other sectors also require this profession, such as rural veterinary work, under government agencies’ supervision. With many people interested in animal adoption, the need for a vet has also increased rapidly over the years.

However, becoming a certified vet is not easy. One has to go through rigorous training and experience to fulfill the basic requirements.

4. Occupational Therapist:

Occupational Therapist

One of the tremendous things about occupational therapists is that they have several career options and a satisfying salary. It makes them one of the top professions in the healthcare sector. They work in normal settings or on fields with their patients.

With degrees like masters in social work online, there is ample room to work in different locations and explore the prospects. It equips a person to indulge in social work while developing the community and serving various sectors.

Furthermore, they help people to recover from undesirable living conditions and improve their living standards. Between 2018 and 2028, the occupational therapists’ field will grow by a whopping eighteen percent. For instance, occupational therapists help patients that have been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s.

Thus, with an aging population, this field is bound to flourish.

5. Pharmacist:

The job of a pharmacist is far more critical than we can imagine. They not only allot prescription medicines to patients but also carry vast knowledge about medical drugs.

They regulate and monitor the use of safe and effective medications that circulate in the market. Every medical facility that has a hospital or clinic requires a qualified pharmacist inside the premises. Apart from this, they perform a crucial role in giving vaccinations and managing health and wellness inspections.

Pharmacists are the ones who are authorized to verify the instructions passed down directly by the doctor, reading medications and other procedures. They not only prescribe medicines and monitor their flow but also research and develop new drugs.

Furthermore, they work alongside vaccine researchers to develop vaccinations and immunizations against deadly viruses


In today’s era, the healthcare field is rapidly gaining immense recognition and popularity. And for all the right reasons.

Without the research and drastic developments in this field, we would not be able to tackle the pandemic and lose millions of lives, as was the case during the Spanish flu epidemic.

However, due to healthcare professionals’ diligent work and efforts worldwide, we could stand our ground and reduce the virus’s fast spread.

Among these healthcare professionals are many non-physician workers without whom the sector could not flourish properly.

We have shared some of these positions above; however, there are many others out there. Nonetheless, all of them contribute directly or indirectly to the development and growth of communities.

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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Remote Working

Exploring A Full-Time Remote Working Opportunity: Here Is How To Prepare

The COVID-19 Pandemic resulted in the creation of a new working order that was only being used earlier in a sparing fashion. Remote working or working from home was models that were earlier employed by employees who could not make it to their offices because of some other reason. As the pandemic resulted in the closure of physical workspaces because of governmentally mandated protocols, businesses rushed towards adopting remote working models and started hiring remote workers. This allowed businesses to stay afloat, run their operations, pay employees and carry on with economic sustenance. In this article, we are going to look at a comprehensive guide on jobs remote. We are going to discover some of its benefits of it and prescribe how employees who are looking for full-time remote working opportunities should prepare themselves. Remote Working: Meaning and Definition Remote working/teleworking/working from home is the process of an employee working for an organization, not within the confines of office space. In this working arrangement, an employee can work from anywhere for a business. Remote working means that employees do not have to travel to their place of work. It means that employees are no longer bound to come to office space, showroom, or warehouse to do actual company work. Remote working necessitates the use of technology, digital platforms, and software to enable employees to connect with their managers, bosses, and colleagues. Major Benefits of Ful-Time Remote Working Opportunities Many studies conducted over the last few months have shown that remote working comes with its own sets of advantages for both employees as well as employers. In this section, we will try to shed some light on both. Benefits For Employers- Data shows that remote working has allowed employees to become 13% more efficient and productive in terms of work output and task completion rates. Businesses who opt for remote working can save a lot of additional overhead costs that are part and parcel of an office setup. It has given businesses the ability to attract the best talents from any part of the world. This has opened up an exciting new prospect, which was earlier not possible. Studies have also shown that remote working has allowed for the creation of a fitter and leaner workforce with fewer employees taking sick or casual leaves. Finally, employers have smartly been able to add to the working hours as employees have on average been saving close to 5 hours on traveling to and from the office. Benefits For Employees- The remote working model has allowed employees to spend more time with their family members and carry on a healthy mix of work-life balance. It has allowed for lesser travel stress, especially in developed countries of the world where traffic issues can lead to tensions and exhaustion. The rise of the Digital Nomad means an employee that is enjoying his stay in a location of their choice while working full-time with an organization. Remote working has also allowed employees to add to their savings. Whether it is the fuel or train costs, or additional money spent on lunches, everything is getting saved. Lastly, employees are able to put in their best productivity and performance and win a good chance of getting higher increments, bonuses, and promotions. 5 Easy Steps to Help you Prepare for a Full-Time Remote Working Opportunity In this section, we are going to look at 5 easy steps that can help professionals prepare for a full-time remote working opportunity- 1. Create your Home Work Station/Office- If you think you are going to work on the kitchen top one day and in the bedroom, the other, think again. You need to set up a separate and designated workspace or create a home office for work. This will bring in productivity, and discipline and ensure all your official things are in one place and not getting lost. Systems, family photo frames, green plants, and so on can help. 2. Apply for Full-Time Remote Working Jobs- Many businesses are using this bait to attract the best talent. However, you need to be very careful when applying for such jobs. It might be that the business is now working remotely, but can in the future ask the employees to come in. This is why choosing the best online job platforms that list 100% remote working opportunities should be preferred. 3. Create a Working Routine for the Day- Working from home or remote working does not mean you are working for the first ten minutes and then doing something else. Remote working means you are setting aside office time just in the same way you would if you were working in the office. It is essential that you stick to the same in order to fulfill the timelines, responsibilities, and expectations that have been set on you. 4. Start becoming familiar and using Remote Working Tools- As someone who is looking to not step into a physical office again, you need to start understanding how remote working tools work. This is because you will be doing all of your work using them. Workflow software, video conferencing apps, and cybersecurity protocols are some areas that you need to know about before you start applying for opportunities. 5. Make Family Members understand ‘you are at work’- In most families, if someone is working remotely, family members tend to take them less seriously. It is essential that you make your parents, partner, kids or fiancée understand that you will not be able to step aside from your system during working hours. This will prevent them from having any expectations from you during that period. The Bottom Line Remote working has been proven to result in happier employees and better-run business organizations. If done in the right fashion, it is a win-win situation for both the employee as well as the employer. A lot of friction between managers and employees can also become better if they are not occupying the same physical space day after day. In this article, we have tried to discuss some of the major advantages of remote working for both employees as well as employers. We have also discussed some important ways how professionals looking to pursue full-time remote working opportunities should prepare themselves. If you have any other questions, you would like us to address, or require clarifications on any points mentioned in the article, feel free to state them in the comments section below. 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Hotel Jobs NYC

Hotel Jobs in NYC – Top Reasons to Explore This Opportunity

It is famously said “In New York, they like winners. They don't like second place.” This quote perhaps sums up the character of this city which has witnessed hundreds of ‘rags to riches’ stories over the years. For more than a hundred years this city has attracted people from around the world who come here to realize their dreams.The hospitality industry in NYC is no different and it has helped hundreds of thousands of people build a great career. , New York City sits top on everyone’s radar.  Here we discuss some of the reasons for you to explore hospitality jobs in the city. The Odds Are High: As a job seeker, you would always want to work in a place that offers you maximum career options. And when it comes to stats, there can be no better option than New York City if you are looking to make a career in the hotel industry. The top 250 hotels in NYC have a total of about 70000 rooms and employ about 35000 people. Apart from this, there are hundreds of other smaller hotels, inns and B&Bs in the city that employ more than a hundred thousand people. The city being the center of the global economy is visited millions of people annually creating a vibrant hospitality industry. So your odds with hotel jobs in New York are substantially higher than anywhere else in the world. It is Constantly Growing: If you thought that the above figures are mind boggling and the growth has stabilized, think again. Since 2007, an estimated 35000 hotel rooms have been added to the city and each year more than 4000 rooms are being added. This has resulted in constant demand for new talent in the industry. In 2014, a record 55 million people visited the city with the majority in the corporate travel bracket. These figures are all-time high in the post-recession world and has stimulated the construction of new properties and hiring of fresh talent. Higher Wages:  Working in one of the biggest cities in the world comes with its own perks. As per the latest figures released by the New York State Department of Labor the basic hourly wage for people in the hotel industry stands at $9 per hour which is among the highest in the United States for entry level employees. Apart from this employees also receive other allowances for Uniforms, Food and Lodging. And here we are only talking about minimum wages. If you are passionate about your job and possess the right skills you will never have a reason to feel disappointed about your remuneration in New York. It Adds To Your Resume: If you are planning to explore hospitality jobs in other parts of the world, the experience of working in a hotel in New York would act as a huge plus in your Resume. Finding hotel jobs in NYC involves going through the most stringent selection process where only the best make the cut. There is an aura about working in such a competitive ecosystem where you would have to deal with people from different parts of the world that come with their own expectations. This works as a great learning experience for any professional irrespective of his/her role. So even a small stint in New York improves your future prospects in this industry exponentially. As you can clearly see the hospitality industry in New York offers you an ocean of opportunities to explore. Irrespective of your skills and expertise you would find an opportunity that would lay a strong foundation for your long career. To scout for the most lucrative opening, you need to choose a job portal that is dedicated to the hospitality industry. These would keep you updated on the latest job openings across various hotels in the city and let you apply at your ease.

Image Consultant

When To Choose An Image Consultant To Help You?

When choosing an image consultant is a decision that will be influenced by a number of factors. These factors include the age limit for hiring an image consultant, the skill set required to be a good consultant and the goals you want to achieve by hiring a consultant. Read on to learn when to choose the right consultant for your needs. 1. Skills Required To Be An Image Consultant Those seeking a career as an image consultant need a number of skills in addition to an education. They must be commercially aware and have a flair for creativity. They also need to be sensitive to a client's needs and preferences. In addition, they must have excellent communication skills and be confident in public speaking. Whether consulting for fashion brands or other clients, image consultants must engage corporate clients and promote themselves through appropriate media. The Association of Image Consultants International (AICI) offers three levels of certification in the field. Certification will increase your potential to attract new clients and build your own business. Certification through this organization can also help you distinguish yourself from competitors. Members must also meet certain requirements for experience, pass an exam and obtain a business license. In addition, some aspiring image consultants choose to obtain experience through apprenticeships or other work experience. An image consultant works closely with a client to improve their personal or professional image. They assess a client's current image and then recommend changes that will make the client appear more attractive and confident. They may also suggest changes to their communication style or public relations strategy. Ultimately, the success of an image consultant is dependent on their ability to help their clients improve their standing among their intended audiences. An image consultant must have strong communication and listening skills, as well as excellent interpersonal skills. They must be able to analyze a client's weaknesses and strengths quickly and formulate an image enhancement plan. It is also helpful to have training in business management and computer skills if you plan to start a consulting company. An image consultant must have a strong sense of style, impressive communication skills, and a keen eye for fashion. Image consultants should also have excellent interpersonal skills and the right personality to help clients. It is important to be outgoing, have a positive attitude, and have a passion for fashion. 2. Goals Of Working With An Image Consultant Hiring an image consultant is an excellent option if you wish to create a better image for yourself. This consultant will provide you with tips and tricks to enhance your image and personality. Your image reflects your personality and the way you interact with other people. They will help you improve your communication and body language. First, you should know the type of market you are going to serve. A professional image consultant should do thorough market research and choose the right target audience. A good business plan will include costs and pricing details. It also should include your target customer base. A proper business plan can help you achieve your vision. Secondly, you should be confident in your skills and knowledge. A professional image consultant should have a well-developed portfolio. Ideally, an image consultant has two portfolios - one digital and one physical. The latter can be used for in-person meetings. The portfolio shows the quality of the consultant's work and should contain testimonials from satisfied clients. Additionally, an image consultant should use social media extensively to reach a wider audience. Next, you should consider the training of the image consultant. A qualified image consultant should have experience and a degree in image management or another related field. For example, a certified image consultant has experience in working with homemakers, students, women on sabbaticals, and people seeking a second career. An image consultant should be a good listener, a team player, and have a high level of expertise in their field. An image consultant should be passionate about what they do. They must have a passion for helping people look and feel their best. The image consultant should have an excellent sense of style and strong verbal communication skills. They should also be creative and be able to listen to their clients. The consultant will help you find your personal style and personal brand. They will look at your lifestyle and behavior patterns, assessing your needs, insecurities, and budget. The consultant can also help you build a wardrobe for specific occasions and activities. They will show you the types of clothing and accessories that look best on you and show you the best places to shop. 3. Career Path For Image Consultants A career as an image consultant is an exciting and rapidly expanding industry that offers a variety of career options. Sonia Dubey Dewan is the founder of the Indian School of Image Management (ISIM), a world-renowned image consultant, published author, and international keynote speaker. She is also a certified image professional with the Association of Image Consultants International (AICI). Image consultants specialize in enhancing a client's appearance by recommending the right clothing and accessories. They also assist their clients with hair and make-up. These professionals must have a broad understanding of the latest fashion trends. Image consultants also help businesses improve their corporate image by helping front-line employees look their best. They also help improve communication and customer interactions. In addition to having a great sense of style, an image consultant needs to have excellent interpersonal and communication skills. They also need to be creative and empathetic. They should also have a love for working with people and enjoy teaching others. They must also enjoy working with clothes and colors and have a strong interest in psychology. Image consultants may also choose to specialize in certain fields, such as beauty, communication, or fashion. Image consultants are typically self-employed, working from their homes or studio. However, they may have to travel to meet their clients. Private clients would typically be in their neighborhood, while corporate clients would require an image consultant to travel to their company's headquarters. In either case, they would dress in a suit or smart casual attire. Having a driving license is also helpful. The career path for image consultants can include working with celebrities, brands, and influencers. Image consultants must have excellent communication and networking skills to effectively work with their clients. They must also be able to remember details and connect with clients on a deeper level. Networking with other image consultants and other professionals is a great way to gain experience and build a reputation. Image consultants are often self-employed, but some join a professional association to get the support they need. The Federation of Image Consultants, for example, has over 300 members and provides support for business development. While there are no formal requirements to become an image consultant, there are a number of challenges that can be encountered. Firstly, the competition is fierce, and the majority of these consultants are located in the south of England. Nonetheless, this does not prevent a person from working in any part of the country. 4. Age Limit For Hiring An Image Consultant There is no age limit for hiring an image consultant. These professionals specialize in helping clients improve their self-image. They also help clients improve their non-verbal behavior, interpersonal communication, and professional presence. In addition to helping people improve their looks, image consultants also assist people with shopping. Personal stylists also serve as image consultants. Personal image is an essential aspect of a person's life. The way a person communicates will reflect their image and will influence how others perceive them. An image consultant can improve your body language, volume, tone, and pitch. These skills are vital to building a good impression. While hiring an image consultant is not necessary for every situation, the results can be life-changing. Working with an image consultant is an ongoing project that will benefit you for many years. Your career and personal life will change, and you will need to keep enhancing your image. An image consultant can help you develop your personal brand and create a wardrobe that expresses your true self. It is essential that you choose an image consultant with the right credentials. Certification shows that the consultant is trained and has advanced education in the field. Be sure to look for a member of the Association of Image Consultants International (AICI) to ensure their professionalism. Once you choose an image consultant, it's time to begin the training. Image consultants can be entrepreneurs or full-time employees. They work in any industry, from premium fashion to media and entertainment to retail. There is no age limit on who an image consultant can help. With the right training and experience, you can make a successful career as an image consultant. With such a high demand for image consultants, companies have entire departments dedicated to Image Management. They offer periodic training to staff. 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