How to Improve your ROI on CMMS?


20 June 2018



CMMS has changed the way businesses track assets, manage work requests, scheduled maintenance services and manage their inventories. The system not only organizes but it also simplifies and automates all your maintenance operations to the advantage of your business. They have proved to be a very solid investment for businesses because of what they stand to offer.

Unlike in the past when such systems were seen as a luxury by organizations, this mentality has recently changed. Every business strives to have the system installed in order to streamline its operations and be able to compete with the rest. The incorporation of CMMS software into a business’ operations introduces the organization into a new world of great possibilities.

Regardless of how solid a system is, it at times needs improvements. The same notion applies to CMMS. In as much as the system promises to deliver improved productivity but if the system is implemented properly, its potential can still be harnessed. This article will elaborate on the different ways CMMS can be improved in order to maximize its returns on investment.

Examining your asset management facilities:

Asset management is one critical area in any organization which requires special attention. A well-configured CMMS system should be able to guarantee that all your assets are kept in check. There are a number of advantages associated with running an asset management facility including the possibility of your team making the right and most importantly informed decisions regarding asset repairs and maintenance. Besides that, the facility can also help give statistics on the number of times a machine has broken down which can then allow you to perform preventative maintenance on the same to avoid recurrent costs.

To improve ROI on your CMMS you need to properly configure the facility. Instead of having a few personnel tracking the health of equipment, you can opt to involve as many machines as possible through all your departments so that you can make the most. This is supported by the fact that research has revealed that in order to extend the lifespan of an asset, you need to increase the frequency of asset management professionals entering into the system.

How well are you tracking both your orders and inventory assets?

The best part about CMMS is that it will allow you to track both your work orders and inventory assets from anywhere. This is made particularly possible by the fact that the system manages to keep all this information in one centralized location thereby granting you access to the same on a need basis.

When your workforce is properly managed, it will increase efficiency in as far as your work orders are concerned, reduce incidences of being offline and ultimately improve on your productivity. Make it your priory to perform routine checkups of your team’s daily work orders to keep them on track and ensure that everything is flowing seamlessly. Remember that systems are managed by individuals and how effective you’ll be at running your CMMS is ultimately how profitable you’ll turn out to be.

The beauty of it is that you do not have to do all these monitoring of work orders and inventory assets from your office. Even when outside the office, you can still manage to track the orders and ensure that your employees are adhering to the set standards.

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Top Employees

How to Retain Your Top Employees While Growing Your Business

Being the CEO of any business enterprise usually requires you to wear lots of different hats — one minute you are in charge of marketing, followed by accounting, and then customer service after lunch. However, the role that most entrepreneurs tend to struggle with above all others is hiring. The hiring process can be tedious and time-consuming, so once you have found the right person for the job it is imperative that you can retain their services for as long as possible. Of course, when you are trying to run a business, this is often easier said than done. Luckily, Victor Mitchell has listed some things that you can do to incentivize your best employees to stick around, such as: Recognition: As an entrepreneur, it is extremely easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of the average work week. Before you know it, you have made it all the way to Friday, and you have barely spoken to your employees at all during the week. However, if you want to retain your best employees, you need to make a conscious effort to take some time out of your day to speak with them and let them know that they are doing a good job. A simple pat on the back can go a long way. You can even arrange a larger quarterly or annual awards ceremony where you hand out some certificates or trophies for added recognition. Compensation: Though employees and employers alike often try to ignore the issue, money is always going to be one of the main reasons why a person might decide to join or leave a company. This does not mean that you need to pay your employees way over market value to retain them, but it does mean that you should at least make sure that they are receiving a fair compensation package relative to the work they are doing. Markets shift and employees learn new skills, so make sure that their compensation package reflects their real value or they may begin to look elsewhere. Flexibility: For many skilled positions, it isn't necessary for the employee to be sitting at their desk in the office from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. As such, your employees are likely to be appreciative of a little flexibility when it comes to their work schedule. You could allow them to work from home occasionally, or will enable them to create their work schedule (within set parameters). Your employees are likely to find it difficult to replicate this kind of flexibility at another workplace, so they will be much more likely to want to stay in their current jobs instead. Of course, it is important to remember that employee retention is an art, not a science. This means that you will ideally take the time to get to know the specific needs and desires of your employees before launching any retention initiatives. After all, there is little point in offering a raise to an employee who wants to be able to work from home more often. However, by speaking to your employees about their preferences and employing some of the tips contained in this article, you will find that your best employees are much happier and willing to stick around for much longer. Read Also: Is Your Company Offering Enough To Potential Employees? Don’t Do The Math: 5 Reasons Outsourced Bookkeeping Services Are The Right Choice For Your Business

board members

How Portal Software Improves Communication Between Board Members

Managing the board of a corporation or not-for-profit, no matter how large or small always comes with a number of challenges. Board members, who may be based in several different cities, need to be able to communicate easily and openly with each other, but they also need to be mindful of security issues. Because board members tend to be quite busy people, finding time for preliminary discussions is as important as it is difficult. As anyone with board management experience knows, the key to running an efficient board meeting lies in the planning and preparation that takes place in the days and weeks leading up to the meeting itself. Ideally, board members should always have all of the factual information they need before the meeting starts and be ready to discuss higher-level questions, which is why making sure there is a secure forum for board members to discuss the information and clarify any questions they might have beforehand is vital for ensuring that meeting time is used as efficiently as possible. One of the most common complaints about board meetings is that valuable time gets wasted making sure everyone is up-to-date on the issues being discussed that could have been spent debating motions and planning for the organization’s future. At the same time, some of the most popular electronic communications tools, such as Jook SMS and Gmail, are notoriously susceptible to hacking. This makes them a risky way to hold discussions ahead of a board meeting and often leads board managers into a double-bind: the tools that their members are most comfortable with and most likely to use in preliminary discussions also pose serious threats to the organization’s security. So how can boards strike a balance between facilitating good conversation while also maintaining security? One of the most popular solutions to both of these problems is board portal software. Companies like Vancouver’s Aprio have developed software that allows board members to share and discuss information through a secure electronic portal that they can access from their mobile device or desktop computer. Portal software not only makes it easy for the board manager to deliver all of the necessary documentation to board members before the meeting begins, it also provides the members with an intuitive, easy-to-navigate way of accessing the documents from anywhere in the world. The portal software also streamlines governance by making everything that board members need available in a single place. Instead of having to scroll through email threads to find the right documents, and potentially getting into inefficient discussions about which version of the document is most up-to-date, with portal software members literally have all the information they need at their fingertips. Board portal software can play a major role in helping boards communicate more effectively, and by giving board members a chance to do more of their work in advance they can drastically improve the efficiency of board meetings. With better communication comes better decision-making, and it is no surprise that some of the most innovative businesses in North America have turned to board portal software to create stronger, more networked leadership and improve board governance. Read also: 6 Things You Should Know Before Starting A Business

Business Card

10 Tips to Design the Perfect Business Card

Handing out business cards is a good way to promote your brand and foster personal connections. But, the creation of perfect and memorable cards clearly remains a challenge. Research shows: 88%—or 9 out of 10—of distributed business cards will be thrown out within one week. How to Design the Perfect Business Card So, what makes these tangible objects impressive? A lovely design. The perfect business card doesn’t only present your contact information. It also communicates your brand’s professionalism. So, if you’re interested in making a positive impression, consider the business card design tips below. 1. Adhere to the Principles of Good Design The perfect business card is a visual representation of your brand. It’s a determining factor in whether people trash your card. And, the following elements of good design are important in capturing people’s attention: Alignment and length Color scheme Content hierarchy Typography Kern Layout Tracking White Space 2. Avoid Complexity in Design When designing the perfect business card, you should aim for simplicity. Simplicity in color and contrast to prevent overwhelm. Simplicity in fonts to prevent difficulty in reading. Remember, you want a prospect or customer to reach out to you for help with their needs. And, by avoiding complexity, you make it easy for them to read your contact information, call your number, and partner with you for your services. 3. Provide Key Information Above, we discussed simplicity in design. And, you can keep it simple by only presenting the information required to communicate who you are, what you do, and how to contact you. Details such as: Name Title, role, or function Business name and logo Physical address Telephone number If space allows, for social connections, you can also add virtual information. For instance, you can include: Professional e-mail address Website landing page or blog address One or two professional social media handles QR code 4. Emphasize Benefit and Value You should also take it a step further and emphasize your benefits. In other words, the perfect business card should do two things: Tell (or remind) people about what you can do for them Tell (or remind) people about the value you offer Limit your explanation to a line or two, describing your service, specialization, and value statement. 5. Consider a Nontraditional Shape Can you choose the standard 3.5x2 inch horizontal rectangle/square? Yes. But nowadays, you also have more creative options available. With die-cuts, for example, you can choose from a variety of shapes: Circle Folded Half-Circle Leaf Oval Rounded Corners Single Rounded Corner Slim Vertical 6. Improve Your Card’s Appearance Additionally, you can improve the look and feel of your business card, through imprinting. Again, you have several methods to choose from: CMYK or Four-Color Printing Embossing Debossing Foil Stamping PMS or Pantone Matching System Depending on your chosen imprint, “finishes”—such as lamination, UV, and spot coatings—can also positively enhance your card’s quality and design. 7. Invest in High-Quality Materials Presentation is an important part of designing the perfect business card. And, the quality of your chosen material impacts your brand’s impression. You have a few choices, when choosing your card’s paper, weight, and thickness: regular, plastic, textured, thick, thin. But, high-quality material is a better investment. How do we know? The National Institutes of Health’s research on haptic sensations found: physical touch can influence the impressions and thoughts formed about people and situations. 8. Ensure Branding Consistency What you shouldn’t do, when designing your business card, is display a lack of cohesion in branding. If there are style, color, and typography inconsistencies in your marketing materials, then people will notice. Remember, your brand identity helps customers and prospects recognize your business. And, when consistent, your business cards reinforce your visual elements. 9. Double-Check for Errors and Unreadable Text You want customers to take you seriously. To trust you. So, double-checking your business cards, before printing, is critical. Read, reread, and edit. Search for spelling, punctuation, grammar, layout, and omission mistakes. But, don’t stop there. Also, make sure your business card is readable by: Using at least 8 point fonts Using font colors complementary to its background 10. Beware Printing Specifications When designing the perfect business card, you must ensure optimal printing. Many printers stop at a certain point. So, it’s important to consider the following specifications: Bleed Area. You should include at least a 1/8” bleed area as it eliminates white space during printing. Safe Area. The center of the business card is the safe area, so you want all your readable text and graphics there. Ready to Design Your Card? Now, you're armed with 10 good design tips for creating the perfect business card. Use this Vistaprint coupon code to save on your next order. Will you apply them? If so, you'll have what you need to increase your brand awareness, make a memorable impression, and even attract new clients. Read also: 7 Big Myths About Small Business Growth Tips For Small Businesses To Raise Funds For Their Projects