Should You Consider Outsourcing Your Brand’s Marketing Campaign?


11 February 2022



If you’re in higher management, you strive to make sure your marketing team is doing its best to market your brand and bring in leads to the sales team. Lest outsourcing becomes ponders publicity, keeping your organizational processes internally is crucial to you because you want to keep control over operations, and you want to keep costs at a decent minimum.

Now you’ve realized that internalizing all of your online marketing efforts might not be working out as well as you’d imagined.

Businesses that outsource marketing have specialized marketing services on their side, collaborating with them with every campaign and a new initiative to make sure it’s successful.

Online marketing services are often more efficient than an in-house marketing team and, more often than not, more affordable. Systems are even created to make sure your brand still has control over activities and the reputation of the company.

Outsourcing your marketing efforts can be a great option if you understand the importance of a powerful marketing campaign but don’t have the resources to do it by yourself.

Who Can Benefit from Outsourcing of Brand Marketing Campaign?

Many companies and brands decide to outsource their marketing activities to help them create brand awareness and generate leads. But certain businesses tend to use outsourced resources to implement their marketing agendas. Here are some of them.

1. Early-Stage Businesses

1. Early-Stage Businesses

Upscaling a new business is a challenging and stressful job. You have many decisions to make while developing new services and products.

At the early stage of the business, business owners often concentrate their efforts on creating the product and do not have the financial power or the time to hire full-time marketing people.

As the company prepares to launch their service, they need to develop a brand image. An outsourced marketing agency often handles the processes that design the style guides and website and creates the company logo.

2. Growing Companies

2. Growing Companies

When companies launch their service or product without problems, they often enter a high-growth phase to quickly bring supplementary marketing resources.

Outsourced marketing services provide the necessary talent and resources to increase revenue growth without adding a lot of overhead.

More often than not, businesses in growth stages cannot afford the time it takes to train and hire new staff members.

Outsourced marketing firms or Virtual PA services provide expertise and flexibility during these growth stages. Often, venture capital firms invest in companies at this stage and use the influx of cash to accelerate growth through social media platforms, content marketing, SEO, and digital advertising activities.

3. Companies with Large Marketing Teams

Companies with Large Marketing Teams

Global organizations hire hundreds, if not thousands, of marketing professionals to back their brand and sales initiatives.

These enterprises will often use outsourced firms and professionals to provide crucial services. For instance, a company will hire outsourced professionals to promote an event, save money or launch a new project.

Outsourced resources are often more affordable than in-house professionals. The company may want to skyrocket a specific product line and outsource for a short-term initiative.

4. Niche Companies

Niche Companies

Brands and companies that operate in specialty markets like engineering or biotechnology may find it challenging to hire in-house marketers with the experience and the know-how they need to create and launch content marketing campaigns.

Outsourced marketing services often specialize in a specific niche market. They bring not only valuable resources but also experience in these unique markets.

Virtual assistants, for example, combine technical expertise with marketing education or experience. These professionals work in leading organizations and have a greater understanding of the market than full-time professionals with little experience.

When To Do Outsourcing?

If you do not see the results you want from your in-house marketing team, then you should consider outsourcing.

Your in-house team is working relentlessly with the goals set before them, but the results continue to be short of optimal. Staying on top of performance and campaign optimization isn’t easy. Often in-house teams have no time to optimize these campaigns for better performance, so they end short of hitting their goals.

Evaluating the results of marketing efforts is critical to the success of a team not only in-house but for outsourced professionals as well. If it’s been a few months since your brand launched a great marketing campaign, it might be time to outsource marketing.

a. Your Marketing Team Is Burned Out

In marketing, there is graphic design, copywriting, SEO, website development, email marketing, lead generation, and so much more. How many professionals do you have in your team?

Do you have someone assigned to each task involved in marketing, or do you have one marketing guru filling many hats?

A copywriter can’t be a graphic designer and vice versa, but so many entrepreneurs expect so much from one marketing employee. One team member cannot meet the massive marketing demands in today’s market.

b. You’re Always Running Out Of Time

You’re planning a stellar email campaign this month, but your team ran out of time, so you reschedule it. You’re rushing to get the offer, the Facebook posts, and the blog posts out before Christmas.

If you feel like you’re always running but never get anywhere, then it might mean you don’t have the necessary systems or strategies in place to run efficiently.

c. You Lack Proper Strategy

Getting things done might feel rewarding, but those things are time idlers instead of business generators when they are not part of an overall strategy.

Posting on social or sharing a blog post is useless unless you have a purpose of reaching your goal. Sharing for the sake of staying active on social media platforms is not a real strategy. 

You feel the pressure of staying active online, so you ask your marketing team to ensure the social accounts are active always, but you don’t give them a genuine reason.

As a business, you have income goals, but if you lack a proper strategy to meet those goals, then you might want to consider outsourcing digital marketing services. 


That’s all about the logic behind considering outsourcing your brand’s marketing campaign. I hope the article was intriguing enough to make you understand why you should outsource the marketing campaign. The rationale is justified above along with specific situations to make your concept clear.

Wanna clear any doubts? Drop your queries in the comment area below. 

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Sumona is a persona, having a colossal interest in writing blogs and other jones of calligraphies. In terms of her professional commitments, she carries out sharing sentient blogs by maintaining top-to-toe SEO aspects. Follow more of her contributions in SmartBusinessDaily

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Which Targeting Option is Best for Influencing Consideration?

Which Targeting Option is Best for Influencing Consideration?

Question: Which targeting option is best for influencing consideration? Remarketing Demographics Custom Intent Custom Affinity  Correct Answer: Custom Intent Detailed Answer Of “Which Targeting Option Is Best For Influencing Consideration?” The answer to your question “Which targeting option is best for influencing consideration?” is Custom Intent.  Custom Intent is the best targeting option for influencing consideration because it helps you to reach your ideal audience by entering apps, URLs, and relevant keywords.  According to the reports, many digital campaigns are not able to reach their target audience. To eliminate this problem, Google launches Custom Intent audiences. This program enables digital marketers to create audiences based on online behavior and relevant keywords.  Besides, you can set up this in your Video, Gmail, Discovery, and Display campaigns by adding particular apps, URLs, and keywords, related to your goods and services.  What are Custom Intent Audiences? Now, you might be confused about custom intent audiences. No need to worry! I am going to explain in detail Google’s custom intent and its benefits in the long run.  Custom Intent audiences is a Google product that enables marketers to target individuals presently researching particular solutions, products, and topics on the web by making use of Youtube or display video campaigns.  Best Benefits of Custom Intent Audiences Yes, there are various benefits of custom intent audiences as it lowers the waste in ad budgets and reduces the stream of irrelevant online ad experiences by targeting high-quality prospects.  Now, let’s discuss some powerful benefits of Google’s custom intent audiences. 1. Custom Intent Audience Targeting is Cheaper: Custom Intent audience campaigns reduce the rate of CPC (Cost Per Click) to a great extent while targeting the same high intent searchers.  So, the drawback of the high intent search keywords i.e., high CPC eliminates by Custom Intent Audience. This is regarded as the best benefit of targeting options for influencing consideration. 2. Custom Intent Reduce Waste in Ad Spend  Another benefit of the custom intent audience is that it reduces waste in ad spending. This gives you an opportunity to target only the most likely customers by making use of suitable offers.  Moreover, this ad is only shown to a specific group of audiences who are interested in a particular topic related to your goods and services. This means that there are less wasted impressions when firms target unspecific niches or have too wide of a target audience. 3. Eliminates Targeting Expenses Eliminates targeting expenses is another benefit of using custom intent audiences. As already discussed above that search ad comes with a high CPC and the targeting prospects of both are nearly the same. Besides, responsive display ads featured in Custom intent campaigns get more click-through rates, impressions, and clicks at a lower cost.  4. Become a Thought Leader On A Given Topic Do you want to make your business a thought leader in your particular domain? If yes, then make the right use of custom intent audiences!  You can analyze the URLs that are ranking on the first page of Google and make use of those in order to rank on the top pages of the search engine result page. Keep in mind, digital display ads with custom intent can reach the same result faster with a higher return on investment.  5. Tap Into Competitor’s Targeting Data & Advertise To Their Customers   Custom intent audiences enable you to perform competitive research to gain insights into the keywords that bring conversions to your competitor’s websites.  This way you can easily collect the data and use it for your own campaigns to target your prospect customers and increase conversion rates to a great extent.  How To Create Custom Intent Audiences? To create custom intent audiences, you need to consider some factors that are listed below: i). Competitor’s pages ii). Competitor’s keywords iii). Search volume iv). Main competitors v). In-market keywords. Now, the proper steps to custom intent for your business, follow the below-listed tips step by step: Sign in to your Google Ads Account Click on “Display Campaigns”  Pick one active campaign and click “Audiences” Then, select an ad group and click the plus icon  Click on the pencil icon under the browser tab Select the blue plus icon and create a name for your custom intent  Now, check the potential reach of your campaign under ‘Audience size’  The Final Verdict Custom Intent is the answer to your question “Which Targeting Option is Best for Influencing Consideration?” The above-described information explains the reasons why custom intent audiences can be used for targeting purposes and what are the benefits of the same. You May Read Also: Which Marketing Mix Element Deals Specifically With Retailing And Marketing Channel Management? 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Magento vs. Shopify

Magento vs. Shopify: Which Is Best For Your E-commerce Store?

The first quarter of 2019 has almost passed, and it has been predicted that 18% of the purchases will be made online by 2040. Further, 95% of the orders will be facilitated by e-commerce store. Considering the above statistics, it comes as no surprise that the fate of your online business is dependent on how your website works. But did you know that all your website operations rely on the choice of your e-commerce platform? Now, as the online store owners narrow down the choices, they are only left with two main platforms as the contenders- Magento and Shopify. While both platforms can create a one-of-kind e-commerce store, they differ in many areas. To start with, Shopify works best for smaller businesses. On the flip side, Magento is aimed at enterprise businesses. This post is going will give you an in-depth insight on Magento and Shopify and help you decide which is an ideal platform for your e-commerce store. Magento and Shopify in a Nutshell: e-commerce store Magento: Launched in 2007, Magento is a self-hosted e-commerce platform that powers a number of web stores. The platform is open source and comes with two versions including community (suitable for developers and small businesses) and enterprise edition (best suited for mid-sized and large e-commerce stores). The usage of the platform is free, but you’ll have to pay an amount for premium apps, themes, and hosting. Irrespective of the price you have to pay, this platform is best known for its flexibility, ability to customize, and scalability. Shopify: Shopify is a hosted e-commerce platform that allows single-step order fulfillment and lets you set up a store with a custom domain and a theme. This platform comes with an easy-to-use interface and is more for beginner developers. Moreover, it comes with a 14-day free trial, allows integration with over 70 payment gateways, and is available in almost every language. Although there are numerous Shopify alternatives available across the web, what sets this platform apart from others is its ability to set up a dynamic store in no time. You will have to pay for the platform after the free trial, but the Shopify team takes care of all the technical tasks. Magento and Shopify: What Numbers Say! Description Shopify Magento Number of Websites 600,000 250,000 Number of Extensions 2,400+ 3,000+ Number of Themes 60 (external purchase is allowed) 12 (external purchase is allowed)   Now when you are aware of what these platforms are, here is a feature comparison of Magneto and Shopify. 1. Basic Functionality and Ease of Usage: Both the e-commerce platforms have all the basic store functionalities that are easy to use and maintain. But if we compare both the platforms, Shopify is a drag and drop website builder. Magento has a steep learning curve, and you will have to learn some technical terms to get through the e-commerce store development process. With Shopify, the developer can add the products; customize the look and feel of your store and set up the payment process in no time. The best part is you can make the entire e-commerce store without any technical knowledge. In Magento, you have to learn some code to develop an entire e-commerce store. Not to forget, they have comprehensive user guides that walk you step-by-step through various processes. They also have a forum from where you can learn some tricks of the trade. 2. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) When it comes to SEO, both have great search engine optimization capabilities. However, you’ll have to leverage extra plug-ins in the cases for both platforms. But in the case of Shopify, SEO features are automatically built into the website, even in the product pages. 3. Themes and Templates Availability: In terms of themes and templates, both platforms offer highly-functional customization capabilities. They let you edit the raw code directly and give you full control over the design and appeal of your e-commerce store. Coming to the differences, Shopify offers a wide variation of mobile-optimized themes. Although many of them are free, if you go for the paid ones, your store gets a professional look and gets equipped with great sales potential. You also get the option to add new pages, change the color palette, move or resize the elements, and integrate the social media feeds. When it comes to Magento, it has 12 themes. Out of 12, 10 of them are fully responsive. This platform does have free themes, and the paid ones also start at just $1. With this platform, you can also create your theme or template from scratch. You have the option to add a slide, newsletter, and animation to the website. 4. Inventory Management: All Shopify plans allow unlimited products in the store. Magento also allows you to add or create an unlimited number of products on the website. But Shopify is one step ahead in this point due to its integration with drop shipping inventory apps such as Oberlo. Further, in Magento, you have the risk of slowing down your website. 5. Hosting Features: Your website's performance, storage, security, and speed are dependent on the hosting you choose. Did you know that 40% of people will abandon a website if it takes more than three seconds to load? This will result in a loss of customers as well as revenue. As Shopify is a hosted platform, it takes care of your entire domain and hosting needs; offers you 24*7 support, and let you concentrate on your business. Magento comes with two hosting options, including Open Source and Cloud. In Open Source hosting, you have to buy your domain and hosting. But in the case of Cloud, your e-commerce store is hosted and maintained by Magento. 6. Payment Processing: Shopify platform is already equipped with a payment processor, which is known by the name of Shopify Payments. If you use Shopify Payments for your e-commerce store, you won’t be charged any transaction fee. Moreover, it comes with the support of 60 external payment processors. For Magento, you will have to download the extension of the payment processor that you want in your e-commerce store. You can look for these extensions in Magento’s marketplace. However, some factors that make Magento worth the consideration are international market coverage and support for multiple languages. Summing Up: When it comes to choosing an ideal e-commerce platform, there are lots of factors to consider including interface, scalability, number of themes, templates, speed, load time, cost, search engine optimization, and more. Is Shopify worth it? If your considerations are ease of usage, availability of themes, not wanting to pay the transaction fee, and having the hosting and bandwidth taken care of, look no further than Shopify. It is user-friendly, has a payment processor, and comes with an array of themes to help you get started. But if you are technically savvy and want to build an e-commerce store for a large enterprise, go for Magento. With this platform, you will also have to find your hosting provider, which can become expensive, as your business scale. Moreover, there is a chance that you might have to invest some time as well. If you are still stuck on the decision, skim again through the comparison of features, weigh their pros and cons, and make the best choice for your business. Read Also: What Are the Common Causes of Catastrophic Injuries? Top 5 Sites Like Solarmovie To Watch Movies Online Do I Have To Pay Out Of Pocket For Wisdom Teeth Removal?

Content Marketing Challenges

The Top 7 Content Marketing Challenges for 2022

Content is the lifeblood of digital marketing. It’s your single best source for attracting prospects, educating them, and moving them down the conversion funnel. But the way content works has changed—and so have the content marketing challenges. Content marketing becomes more complex every year and requires a lot of effort to keep it fresh and interesting. Let’s take a deep dive into our list with the key content marketing challenges for the upcoming year. 1. Maintaining brand consistency People want to know that they are getting the same quality of content from your company, no matter where they are looking. This includes your blog, social media channels, print collateral, ads, etc. It's critical to create a consistent brand through all of your channels so that your customers can easily find you. By having a consistent brand across multiple platforms, you're telling customers they can trust you, and you're also building up their loyalty towards your brand. 2. Boosting brand authority Another challenge will be your authority in relation to content creation. You want to make sure that what you're sharing with your audience is valuable and worth their time. Brands will have to work harder than ever before to maintain their authority over the market. Make sure you get your name out there and keep your company with customers and prospects top of mind. Also, make sure your brand's voice is unique and listen to feedback from your audience so you can become more authoritative on topics people care about. 3. Establishing an omnichannel marketing strategy Creating content for each of the social media platforms can be overwhelming. However, the right headless CMS platform can help you deliver content across various devices. What is a Headless CMS, you wonder? This type of content management system not only delivers your content to your website but also powers other channels and devices. It gives you the freedom to manage your content without writing code, making it easy to publish across screens like websites, blogs, or mobile apps. 4. Generating high-quality leads Content is king, but the king will die without loyal subjects. There is no magic recipe for generating leads through content marketing. Existing tools provide only basic targeting options, and they are often too broad to reach your specific audience. The lack of targeted leads means that many companies cannot meet their goals and scale their businesses, despite creating high-quality content regularly. You'll have to start testing different types of content and lead generation strategies if you want to see results and improve your conversion rates. 5. Creating engaging content Today's readers prefer engaging content because it helps readers to learn something new from them. Instead of selling products directly through your blog posts, you have to find an indirect way to do it by providing valuable information and solutions for your readers' needs. This will help you build trust and credibility with your readers, which is essential for a successful online business. 6. Keeping up with Google’s algorithms Google's algorithms are constantly changing. In order to ensure optimal search rankings, SEO experts say that companies must diversify their strategies by adding engaging video content that is optimized with keywords that relate to the company's brand. Video content also has the advantage of being easily shared across all social media channels. A Google algorithm update can have enormous implications for your business. To keep up, you need consistent content that builds brand awareness, customer loyalty, and ultimately, profits. 7. Using interactive content In 2022, brands will have to come up with new ways to engage their audience and add interactivity to their content to stand out from the crowd. All these factors will contribute to a major shift in where content is consumed and how it's consumed. This evolution will be fueled by the rapid adoption of mobile devices, increased bandwidth, and the growing popularity of voice search. The main challenge for marketers will be providing content that is easy to digest on all these platforms. Read Also: Weighs in On Building an Online Business: 7 Steps to Success Is an online degree in business management worth it? 6 Reasons Why Infographics Are Important in Media Marketing How Brands Use Net Base for Deep Social Media Analysis 8 Social Media Tips for Your Business