3 Encryption Trends and How They Make Communication More Secure


24 December 2018


Communication Secure

Over the past three years, encryption has become a major concern for organizations of all sizes. Corporate hacks and Hillary Clinton’s email scandal have raised public awareness about the ubiquitous risks of unsecured data, and a growing number of businesses, government agencies, and individuals have started employing software that can effectively protect their communications from third-party surveillance.

There are many reasons why the encrypted smartphone has become the tool-of-choice for those concerned about the risks of cyber attack, but one of the most significant is the fact that encrypted smartphones are constantly being upgraded to meet the latest threats.

Here are three of the most significant ways that cutting-edge encryption software is evolving to protect communications:

1. More Sophisticated Encryption Algorithms

Creating effective encryption solutions means staying ahead of hackers and cybercriminals, which is why the best encryption providers are exploring new, stronger encryption algorithms that can protect users from the newest malware, spyware, and hacking techniques.

But in order for it to be effective for business communication, encryption also needs to be widely used and widely available. The latest encryptions solutions from companies like ChatMail Secure solve this problem by providing multiple levels of encryption.

Users default to ChatMail’s proprietary messaging and parsing protocol when communicating with other ChatMail users, but they can also use the more widely available PGP encryption from the same interface.

2. Improved Ease-of-Use

For most encrypted smartphones users, functionality is just as important as security. In the fast-paced world of business and government affairs, an encrypted smartphone that isn’t set up to allow for voice messaging, image sharing, and chat is an impediment to effective communication.

One of the things that makes an up-to-date encryption tool like ChatMail different from older encrypted smartphone technology is its ability to provide a wide range of tools and a seamless interface without compromising the integrity of its encryption software (you can click here to learn more about the CAMP protocol’s unique approach to encrypted messaging).

3. Better Features

In order for encryption software to provide adequate protection, it needs to do more than simply encrypt messages. It also needs to ensure that users have control over the encryption keys, and can easily generate new keys as needed.

The latest encryption software from ChatMail Secure goes even further, allowing users to set automatic expiration dates for the messages they receive and favorite messages they want to keep beyond the automation expiration period, and provides options for remote wipes should a device be lost.

The World Economic Forum listed cyber attacks as the third most likely threat facing businesses this year, and it is likely that it will continue to be ranked as one of the most serious threats in 2019. This is why it is important for businesses not simply to adopt encryption, but to adopt the most cutting-edge encrypted smartphones that can keep their communications safe from cyber threats on every front.

Only encrypted smartphones from providers like ChatMail can guarantee secure, practical encryption solutions that can keep sensitive information confidential without impeding communication, which is why you should get in touch with an encryption provider today to explore how encrypted smartphones can make your communications more secure.

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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Space Tech

Starships, Junk, and Tourism: Space Tech Trends for 2022

Space tech constantly evolve, thanks to which more and more people can go outside the Earth and look at it from space. And 2021 was a real breakthrough in space travel. But the main thing is that we get new essential knowledge about the Universe, the planet, and ourselves. And we use all this knowledge and technologies in different spheres. Here you can find out how EOS uses satellite data for agricultural sustainability. These are some space industry trends that will be relevant in 2022. 1. Space Junk Liquidation Unfortunately, man's presence in space is accompanied by a junk appearance in the form of inoperative satellites and rockets. There are more than 3000 of them, and the situation will only worsen over time. One of the main consequences can be the so-called Kessler syndrome: the junk will make the orbit unusable. Therefore, space agencies develop technologies to clean up debris outside the Earth. There are various options: eliminating garbage using special nets and magnets and burning it in the atmosphere. The serious problem is that garbage objects come in different sizes, so it is difficult to determine a uniform way to destroy them. However, a solution is a matter for the future. 2. The Moon Exploitation Until a few decades ago, this topic was irrelevant. Today, however, it is increasingly viewed as a testing ground for relevant technologies in the quest to get to Mars. Moreover, it is unnecessary to send a person to the moon. Mainly missions will focus on sending autonomous instruments for analyzing satellite elements and robotic landing devices. Several countries work in this direction, including the USA, India, and Japan. 3. Space Tourism's Rise In 2021, thanks to private suborbital flights, interest in space tourism has grown. However, such a vacation is too expensive for most people: one flight is estimated at millions of US dollars. Nevertheless, everything suggests that soon the trend will continue and cover more and more people. Already, there are projects to create conditions for a person's stay in orbit longer than 10 minutes, including constructing a space hotel. And although there are no opportunities for the mass creation of commercial structures in space, shortly, everything may change. 4. Small Satellites Improvements Thanks to technological advances, mobile, and compact satellites have almost replaced bulky standard devices. For example, communication service providers actively place them on low Earth orbit (LEO). Research agencies use small satellites for scientific purposes such as remote sensing. This trend is supported by the possibility of mass production, standardization of satellite buses, cooperation of missions for joint rocket use, and modular commercial equipment creation. Moreover, satellite manufacturers work on small satellites for the geostationary orbit. 5. Space Tech vs. Climate Change Space tech are critical to sustainable environmental development. So, many innovations, created initially for the space industry, are later used in other sectors. For example, construction companies use reflective materials to retain heat in spaceships to insulate buildings. The threat of global warming makes the development of space tech even more urgent. For example, they are used to identify methane emission sources that are a significant cause of global temperature increases. Satellite images are also used to solve environmental problems. For example, they help map tree cover and monitor deforestation. As we can see, space trends have become more and more diverse, which indicates the increasing human activity in this industry. Moreover, it affects our daily life. We introduce its inventions into various spheres; for example, we use satellites for communication. But more importantly, space tech helps us tackle significant global warming challenges and protect the environment. Read Also: 8 Ways of Making the Best Use Out of a Small Office Space 5 Ways Technology Will Change the Hospitality Industry Post Covid-19 Pandemic High Technology Devices for Better Life Why You Need A Secure Wifi Connection In Shared Space

Appliance Repair Services

How Can Appliance Repair Services Help You

When was the last time an appliance has given out of you? If it just happened recently, you can still remember the feeling of frustration and helplessness that follow the breakdown. If it hasn’t happened in a while, it’s bound to occur sooner than you think. Do you know an appliance repair service near you? Does it have an emergency response option? What can the appliance repair services really achieve? Let’s take a look at a few answers. How Can Appliance Repair Services Help You: 1. Same Day Service: The majority of appliances we have in our homes operate at least once a day. Some, like the microwave, may be exploited up to 30 times a day. When one of them breaks down, you need the problem to be fixed ASAP. Otherwise, your plans for the day may be ruined. Your family may be left without dinner, clean clothes, clean dishes, and much more. Companies that offer same day service can help you get back on track and continue life as usual instead of changing plans, delaying meetings, spending extra money, etc. 2. Long Life: Not many appliances manufactured today are built to last for decades. In fact, some manufacturers ensure that they break down in a few years so you can spend money on a newer model. Appliance repair services can extend the life of your appliances so you don’t have to suffer from unexpected expenses. According to technicians from appliance repair services in Tampa, FL, with the right approach, the life of some appliances can be extended trifold. 3. Saved Time: What do you usually do when something breaks down? In many cases, you try to fix it yourself. Trying to fix an appliance on your own can take a substantial amount of time. In case you decide to get a new machine, you have to spend time looking for a suitable model, finding good deals, staying at home to wait for delivery, and much more. A respectable appliance repair company can save you plenty of time by coming to your aid in just a few hours after your call. 4. Cost Efficiency: The most obvious reason for getting appliance repair services is cost efficiency. Purchasing a new appliance is usually more expensive than fixing an old one. It’s a rare case when your appliance is irreparable. In the majority of situations, the appliance repair company can deal with the problem. Finding a respectable appliance repair service can save you money on further repairs. An experienced technician can find the problem quickly and make sure it doesn’t bother you again for years. 5. Multi-Tasking: Appliance repair companies have highly experienced employees, who can deal with different equipment. If your dishwasher has broken down, and your microwave seems to need some attention, you can ask the appliance repair service to send you a technician to deal with both. 6. Peace Of Mind: When you know that you have experienced technicians ready to deal with appliance problems at any time, you can take a big load off your shoulders. Whenever the problem occurs, you don’t need to panic and look for a company to deal with the breakdown. You can simply pick up the phone and ask the repair team to arrive ASAP. Appliance repair services are convenient as long as you take the time to find one before the problem occurs. They can help you save time, money, and effort while enjoying peace of mind. Read Also: Must Have Appliances For A Healthier Life Top 10 Signs You Might Need Auto Repair Services Tekmetric: Auto Repair Software And So Much More

Managed IT Service

A Few Things You Should Know Before Finalizing Managed It Services

Thinking of getting a managed IT service for your business? While this is a great idea since there are so many benefits of having professionals handling your technology so that you can focus on your business, it quite a complex process to find the right managed IT service providers for your business. You have to ask yourself and the service providers many crucial questions before you can finalize one service provider. But before we get to the questions, let’s see why you should hire a managed IT service in the first place: IT Managed Service Organize Your Mess: You are busy working out the business strategies to achieve growth and development, but who is handling your technology? If you have an in-house IT professional taking care of it all, you’re good to go. But do they have to tools as technology to manage your data properly? Chances are, they don’t. Because the complex nature of the tech and equipment required to organize and secure your data are usually handled by managed IT service firms. This is why hiring a  managed IT service is always a good idea. What You Need To Know About Managed IT Service Before Hiring Them: While Managed It services to help you increase your efficiency with their fast and dynamic technology, you have to make sure that the providers you are choosing fit with your business and your requirements. Here are a few things you need to know from your managed service provider before signing a contract with them : 1. Can They Handle Your Business Size? Your business will grow, and so will your technology needs with it. Your managed service provider needs to be capable of handling complex technological needs that you have currently and will have as your business gets larger and larger. Additionally, knowing whether your service provider has worked in your field or not, will help create a better communication between the two parties. 2. What Will They Provide That An In-House Technician Can’t? An in-house technology professional can prove to be cost efficient and helpful. So, why shouldn’t you hire an in-house professional and should go for IT managed service provider? Your service provider should be able to reduce your compliance risk and solve the IT issues you and your business face on a recurring basis. They should be able to provide you with high security for your data and options to recover any data before anything critical happens. 3. How Flexible Are They? A managed IT service that is not flexible enough in their billing and the service package you need, is highly unlikely to stay with your company for too long a time. As your business grows, and times and technology changes, your needs will change too. Changing service providers every time you have a new need wastes a lot of time and money. Thus look for a provider that provider flexibility in both billing as well as services. Not only will it ensure that they ‘re efficient on their end, but also increase the chances of the two parties going a long way together. Hiring a Managed IT service may be a little tricky but it comes with a lot of perks like improved internal communication, efficiency, organized, secure and recoverable data among many others. Asking the right questions and directing the conversation in the direction where you needs lie will help you find the right It managed services fit for your business.  Read Also : How Legal Services Outsourcing Aids Law Firms And Legal Departments Ten Ways Technology Is Impacting Modern Education