2 Easy Steps to Change YouTube Channel Name Without Changing the Gmail Name


01 April 2021


change youtube channel name

YouTube is always a platform of possibilities, and with it, you will be able to do so many things.  So many people aspire to change their YouTube channel name without necessarily having to change their Gmail names. You can learn to change YouTube channel name with this article.

Well, this will be possible only if you will observe the right steps aimed at making sure the process becomes a success. You may want to know how to change the YouTube name because of so many reasons. Whatever the reasons you will be having the process of changing the name of your YouTube channel will be inevitable at some point in your life with YouTube. Do you know how to change youtube channel name?

You might be probably wondering and how exactly is it possible to change your YouTube channel name and remain with the same Gmail name. If that will be the case with you, consider the following steps on how to change YouTube name.

The Easy Steps To Follow and Change YouTube Channel Name:

Make Sure To Sign In To Your

Make Sure To Sign In To Your

This will be the first step you will have to undertake when seeking to change YouTube channel name. However, if you will be signed in to Gmail or probably another google account, this step will not be mandatory to you. You will skip it should you wish to do so.

If you are already signed to YouTube using either google or Gmail, you will be able to spot a YouTube profile picture in the corner of your screen.

Move To Your Channel Settings

channel Settings

After successfully logging into your YouTube channel you will then need to click on the YouTube channel icon. From your screen, you will be able to see the YouTube channel icon on top of your screen whether you will be using a computer or even on your handset.

On the icon, you will have to scroll down until you get to the settings option, which is always on the lower part of the possibilities.

Change Your YouTube Name

Change Your YouTube Name

The design of google products is in such a way that YouTube Gmail and many other google accounts share the same account. As a result, any attempts to change the YouTube name of the channel will also see you automatically change the name of your Gmail account and other related accounts.

However, it will be possible for you to change the name of your YouTube channel while at the same time retain the title of your Gmail account. You will only do those through the creation of a brand account.

After creating the brand account, you will need to link your YouTube channel to the brand account.  The role of a brand account is always for business purposes. With a brand account, you will access to various managers.

Enter Your Preferred YouTube Channel Name

YouTube Channel Name

After creating your YouTube brand account, you will now need to give your new YouTube channel a new name. When creating a YouTube name, you will also have to observe some factors to make sure you get the best results with the name.

For instance, it will not be right for you to change the YouTube name before the right time. Don’t try out anything experimental with your YouTube name. Only change the name when you will be sure and choose a name that will perfectly serve your business.

Also, when creating a name for your brand, always make sure you create a name that will be much closer to your brand.  The name you offer should in some ways appears to be clarifying or teasing people about what your business does.

If you are carrying out a rebrand, also you will have to make sure you don’t create a name that will be so distinct from your previous brand name.

While creating a new name for your YouTube channel, you will also need to be more careful not to build a name that will be so complicated. For instance, don’t include o many numbers in the name you will create. According to research, people find a bit harder to remember numbers compared to ordinary words.

For the best and more YouTube views you will have to create a much shorter name which will be very easy for people to remember.


Lastly, when creating a name for your YouTube channel, don’t create a name that will only appear to limit people to videos. Try and create an all-round YouTube name.

If the channel name you will choose for your YouTube channel will be multiple names, you will have to split the names into. You will have to create the first name and finally, the last name.

After creating the two names, you will be able to see a notification from google notifying you of the success of your procedure.

Clicking On The Change Your YouTube Channel Option


Once you complete entering the new name you would like your YouTube channel to have and confirming that the name will be in the order that you would like to have it you should now move on and click the ok button completing the whole process.

Complete The Process

Immediately after filing the names in the right places, you will see the option of ok, which will allow you to complete the whole process. However, it will be vital for you to double-check the complete details of your names before clicking ok.

You will have to know that changing your YouTube channel name might have both negative and positive effects on your YouTube channel depending on how you do it. For the best results, you will have to choose the best names that will reflect either your business brand vision or if not, that then try to talk a bit about the details of your business.


Sometimes it might take you much longer too before seeing the new changes on your YouTube channel. Always wait to see the latest changes before moving on to any other procedures.


The process of changing the YouTube channel without necessarily having to change the name of the Gmail will always come with some hardship. If you wish to know how to change YouTube channel name, make sure you take the process carefully.

The steps listed below will guide you during this process to make sure you get everything entirely right. Follow them keenly, and you will end up with the best results.

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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Is Youtube Social Media

Is Youtube Social Media? Know Your Answer Here

Are you wondering if YouTube is a social media platform or not? Well, somebody can say that YouTube is one of the most engaging social media platforms across the entire social media network. This question is not only in your mind, but many users doubt whether YouTube is a social media platform or a video hosting site. Yes, you are right. YouTube is one of the social media sites which have been more than over the years. Recently, people are generating revenue by publishing multiple videos on the YouTube platform. At the time, users only created an account and signed in to watch multiple types of videos. But now the thing is entirely different. Here are some facts I will discuss that you need to know about YouTube so that you can clear your doubt: is youtube social media? Read below to know… YouTube: An Overview!     Everyone knows Facebook is one of the most popular social media platforms on the Internet. But in recent times, YouTube is replacing its position. As per a particular survey, we can see that YouTube has roughly active users of around 2.3 billion whereas Facebook has roughly 2.9 billion active users. As per research, we can see that YouTube has a steady growth of 73% of adult users as of 2019. At the same time, Facebook has roughly 69% of adult users, per the reports 2021. Nowadays, YouTube is not only considered one of the social media platforms but also one of the best digital marketing platforms. This means people nowadays make money by publishing multiple videos on YouTube, such as unboxing videos, vlogging, and so many others. Characteristics Of A Social Media Platform     If you want to know whether “is youtube social media platform” or not, first you need to know what characteristics a social media platform should have. Even this is not the end. These characteristics below will let you know why YouTube is considered a social media platform. Social media platforms always heavily rely on user-generated content. This means users can create content, and even they can share as well. It means users get to interact with each other at every time. No matter by replying to comments, sharing posts, or even by directing messages and so many others. Social media platform is where you can personalize your account or profile and even control your online presence. Another characteristic of Social media platforms is that it enables users to connect with a network that shares interests. Social media platform is a software tool where controversial posts get viral and engage within just a few minutes.   After going through the above-mentioned social media characteristics, will you still wonder if youtube is considered social media? I hope you are not. Despite the descriptions mentioned above, I am going to share some more YouTube features which help to clear your doubts is youtube a social media platform. Is Youtube Social Media: Know Some More Features     Recently developers have launched some interesting features where users are getting engaged regularly. That is why the rate of registered users on YouTube is increasing. Below I will share some more features which make YouTube a social media platform. 1) Subscriptions, Likes & Comments     One of the most valued features of the social media platform YouTube is "subscriptions." In this case, subscriptions offer a minimal opportunity to get interacted between viewers and creators. If a YouTube user subscribed to your channel or any creator channel, it means that the user is likened to the channel and easily gets updates about the channel. On the other hand, as a social media user, likes and comments are the most important things which can easily create interactions between fans and creators. Users can even use the comment section on YouTube, which messages people on YouTube. 2) Community Posts     You might have a question: does youtube count as social media? Well, if any social media platform or any online platform has a community posts feature, we can count that particular platform as a social media platform. In this case, the community posts feature means that you, being a creator, can share images, GIFs, and Polls to the community polls. This is another example of a user engagement feature. Do you remember users from 2008 or 2009 using community features on past social media platforms like Orkut or Facebook? Yes, this feature is the symbol of a traditional social media platform. 3) Youtube Shorts     Before you search for the answer, is youtube social media or not? First, let me tell you about a new feature on YouTube - yes I am talking about YouTube shorts. If you still didn’t yet search for them, just visit and get introduced to the new feature. YouTube Shorts is one of the platform's newest features, launched in the year 2021. Here you can upload short videos to add effects, stickers, and music. Are You Not Interested To Know The Advantages Of Youtube?     There are multiple advantages of YouTube that you have to know. Yes, so that you will be getting more interest in using YouTube and can enjoy this exciting social media platform. Below I am going to Discuss some of the advantages of YouTube. YouTube is one of the online platforms where you just will be able to see videos on mobile. In recent times, there are so many online platforms that you only experience on a desktop or hardly on a laptop. But YouTube is one of the best social media platforms you can experience on your mini device.   YouTube is one of the most popular sites on the planet where you can spread any type of message more quickly. Users generally encounter videos on Facebook Timeline or even on Twitter Timeline. But if you can share videos across the Internet and want to spread them to a wider audience, then YouTube is one of the best platforms. YouTube is the only online platform that is cost-efficient. This means you can share videos, even watch movie trailers, or even listen to songs but with cost efficiency. Thus, we can say YouTube is undeniably a cost-efficient platform. Final Thoughts     I have discussed some facts on YouTube, and I hope I have cleared your doubts: so, is youtube social media? In this era, you must thank developers for launching new features on social media platforms like YouTube, Instagram, or even Facebook. Not only that but from being a marketing platform to a video launching platform, this is the second-largest search engine which will go a long way. Who thought that YouTube could one day become the number 1 global online search engine platform? Are you still wondering that is YouTube social media? If yes, then do let me know in the comment section below. Thank you for reading till the end. Learn More About: How to Stream on YouTube Effectively? A 5-Minute Tutorial On Making YouTube Intro For Newbies 2 Easy Steps to Change YouTube Channel Name Without Changing the Gmail Name

What Are The Three Components In The Youtube Ecosystem?

What Are The Three Components In The Youtube Ecosystem?

What Are The Three Components In The Youtube Ecosystem? It is the question in the minds of millions of people.  Correct Answer: Creators, Advertisers, and Fans Are you searching for the answer to the question, What are the three components in the YouTube ecosystem? Here I will give you the answer to the question and also give you a brief idea about the YouTube Ecosystem. YouTube has many components and if you spend your time at all searching in Google, you've probably noticed YouTube videos dominating the first page. If you've ever wondered how you could possibly get your videos to rank high on google, the answer is SEO. You need to optimize your video's search engine visibility and this needs the right techniques. I spoke to the buster's group the other day, a company that provides environmental services and they explained how SEO has turned their business for the better. Optimizing your content including videos can be of great benefit. We all know about Youtube. It is the world's best video streaming platform. Obviously, it is also known by all. But the thing that you may not know is that YouTube is the second-best search engine, just after one and only Google. The popularity of video content increases day by day. Viewers are more into video content in recent days. And what can be better than YouTube when you are thinking of video advertising? Well, there is none. It is true that some social media platforms also promote media content along with traditional write-up pieces of content. But as I have mentioned, YouTube is the king of this world. So, in order to get an idea about how you need to use YouTube for promoting your video content, it is also important to first understand the YouTube Ecosystem. Then I will give you the answer to the question, "What are the three components of the YouTube Ecosystem?" So, let's first get some idea about the YouTube Ecosystem.  Understanding The Youtube Ecosystem? Across the globe, there are hundreds of millions of viewers, and for them, Youtube is always on. And the scenario is the very same everywhere. As per the reports, more than half of the total YouTube views come from mobile devices. Those brands that know how to capture and sustain the attention of their audiences quite well, YouTube is an excellent platform.  Youtube is such a platform that allows its users to curate highly creative and engaging content in order to keep the global audiences committed. Youtube is the place where the world chooses to watch. Whether it is the review of the latest smartphones or any DIY school project or the music video of your favorite band or the latest SciFi movie trailer, YouTube is preferred by all. And it is the first choice of the viewers when they think about some video content. The person or brand uploads a new video content on YouTube; a notification is sent to its audiences only if they have subscribed for that particular brand or person's YouTube channel. The brand or the person who has uploaded the video also gets to know a little much about the viewers. Like the total number of viewers, how many viewers liked it, how many viewers did not like it. And the viewers also can comment on anything they want to say about the content.  And by keeping all these things in mind, the brand or the person creates its or his or her next video content.  You may also have seen several ads are playing in between a YouTube video. Just like you run any advertising campaign on Google, you also can run an advertisement campaign here on Youtube. And in order to do that, you need to know the answer to the question, "What are the three components in the YouTube Ecosystem?" that I will give here. What Are The Three Components In The Youtube Ecosystem? Now is the very time to know the answer to the question "What are the components in the YouTube Ecosystems?" After reading this article, you may have understood what these components can be. Yes, they are the creators, the advertisers, and last but not least, the fans. Now we will discuss these three components in the Youtube Ecosystem in detail. This will help you to get a strong grasp on this very topic. 1. Creators The first component in the YouTube Ecosystem is the creators. The individuals who are responsible for crafting the video content that you are watching on YouTube are called creators. The theory is simple, as they are creating those videos, they are the creators.  These creators also get paid for the quality video they are creating. However, not all of the creators are capable enough to get the payings.  2. Advertisers Now come to the second component in the YouTube Ecosystem, and that is the advertisers. Just like I have mentioned earlier that similar to a Google ad campaign, you also can run an ad campaign for YouTube.  The advertisements that we watch in between a video are the result of these ad campaigns. Advertisers have to be creative enough to attract the attention of the viewers.  Suppose you are watching a musical concert video, it is evident that a YouTube advertisement will irritate you. But some quality and creative advertisements also make you think about the brand, or their services or the products they offer. 3. Fans The last but not the least component in YouTube Ecosystem is the Fans or the Followers. The followers are the one who is the inspiration for the creators and audiences of the advertisers.  The fans or followers are the ones for whom the creators create those pieces of video content. Suppose those pieces of video content are the products of the creators' brand, and fans or followers are the customers of the.  And the advertisers also get the benefit by introducing their product or services to the audiences and try to convert them into their potential customers.  Conclusion So now you get the answer to the question, "What are the three components in the YouTube Ecosystem?" And the answer is the creators, the advertisers, and the fans. In case you have any other doubts about the Youtube Ecosystem, let me know in the comment section. I will try to come up with the answer as soon as possible. More Resources: 6 Instagram Marketing Tips for Business Top 4 ways to use Tik Tok for Business 2 Easy Steps to Change YouTube Channel Name Without Changing the Gmail Name


Is It Safe to Buy Youtube Views?

Everyone dream of making videos on Youtube that have hundreds of millions of views and go viral. But in the actual fact running a channel and producing such videos is quite difficult. These days, Youtube is known as one of the fastest developing platforms. Meaning to say, the competition is getting fiercer and fiercer. Moreover, almost 500 hours of content were uploaded to this platform every single minute, as a result, a lot of Youtube users are having a hard time attracting more subscribers. For sure you are aware that YouTubers most especially the bigger ones earn hundreds of thousands of dollars. But here’s the catch, your video should first reach thousands of non-drop Youtube views before you can make money. As a matter of fact, you will need ten thousand views so that your videos will be monetized. One more thing, if you are a small Youtube user or just starting, believe it or not, it would be more difficult for you to attract a significant number of viewers on Youtube. Luckily, there’s now an easy way for you to get more views. Purchasing Youtube views is a legit and SAFE way of boosting your channel as well as views because if you purchase from trustworthy sellers they can help you in attracting organic viewers and ranking in search results. In the actual fact, buying views isn’t against the Terms of Service of Youtube. The rules state a service that attempts to obtain views on Youtube via automated means is not acceptable. That is why when you are buying make sure that views are authentic human Youtube Views and not bots. On the other hand, if Youtube suspects that your views came from bots there’s a possibility that you will face penalizing action. Even if you’re technically permitted to purchase Youtube views it is crucial that you approach this technique with extra caution to avoid any scam. Tips for Buying Youtube Views: 1. Avoid providers who offer views in a manner that may put you in danger: Websites that offer Youtube views from similar browsers and IPs with similar or same cookies are too obvious. As a matter of fact, Youtube may possibly pick-up on that type of activity or worst you may possibly have problems on your hands. 3. Look for A Seller that offer targeted views: If you are based in the United Kingdom, make sure to get views from the US, Australia, and the UK. Because views originating from Asia and Eastern Europe may give you away as well as you would run the peril of Youtube’s disciplinary action. Aforementioned, buying views is not against the law as long as they’re from real humans. Here's a list of the top places to buy YouTube views from https://bumped.in/buy-youtube-views/ 3. Make sure that you will be acquiring real humans: When making a purchase make sure that the views are not bots. In fact, this is the only way for you to obtain organic engagement and retention from your acquisition. Now that you already know that buying views is safe, then don’t think twice and take advantage of this method most especially if you want to grow your views. Read Also: How To Download Music From YouTube How To Use Video Animation On Your Website VidPaw Online Downloader Review: Best YouTube To MP3 Converter For Free