The Business Networking Benefits of Co-working Spaces


22 May 2018



The benefits of co-working are numerous. On top of getting to work in some of the most pristine business districts, such as Pudong in Shanghai, the price tag for co-working spaces is much cheaper than conventional leasing. For the price of leasing a co-working space, you get the advantage of world-class internet services, professional-grade office equipment, and administrative staffing.

However, co-working spaces not only promote networking among professionals but in many cases, it is the foundation from which many business connections are made. Because of the organizational format of these offices, professionals find themselves seated among some of the most talented people in a diverse array of industries. Check out Servcorp New Zealand’s co-working spaces at coworking to see one example of the way co-working spaces are laid out.

Keep reading to learn more about co-working’s networking advantages and how you can utilize these spaces to develop business relationships.

The Business Networking Benefits of Co-working Spaces:


 Depending on the size of the co-working space, you can find so many different industries under one roof. For professionals looking for resources, their co-workers become a vast source of referrals. In the end, these resources can save you time and sometimes money. More importantly, referrals can also be a way for you to get your name out there, build up your business’s reputation, and make money for your venture.


Networking provides you with another opportunity, one to meet mentors. Again, because the co-working space is one that is comprised of professionals from a diverse array of industries you can instantly meet with experienced professionals who can show you the ropes in your own industries. These professionals can also build the foundation of other business connections within your community.

Collaboration Opportunities:

 Of the many networking benefits of co-working, you have the chance to participate in collaborations. In fact, collaborations spring from daily conversations between professionals, whether they are chatting up their ideas at the hot desk or at any of the numerous events held to promote business. These collaborations can help you grow your business and teach you new ways to manage it.


Every business needs a certain amount of funding. When working alone, finding sources of funding is a little more difficult, especially if you are a new business owner. Another extremely important benefit of networking as a part of a co-working environment is that it can help you meet people who can show you how to fund your project. In fact, your co-workers can probably introduce you to alternative methods of finding funding, negating the need for borrowing to fund the business.

Source Of Information:

More than just referrals, networking in the co-working space provides you with access to a vast amount of information. Not only are your co-workers a great place to find referrals, but they are also a good source of information regarding an amalgam of topics. In fact, in a typical co-working space, you might find a room full of people with a plethora of educational degrees and work experiences. Networking provides you with the opportunity to meet these talented individuals who can also serve as sources of information.

Moral Support:

 From these co-working opportunities, you get the chance to make friends who can also lend an ear when you need to decompress. Whether it is regarding building a business or you having problems with clients, there is nothing like being able to gripe to someone who truly understands the entire problem. In exchange, your networking buddies can offer you good counselor reassurance that everything is going to be fine, even when the situation looks bleak.

Networking In The Co-Working Reality:

 Networking has always been a part of the business landscape. However, co-working is one of those opportunities that encourages those working in close proximity to get to know their neighbors in both an informal and formal setting. More importantly, this office style that promotes social interaction can be the source of more business for you.

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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How to do bookkeeping in Malta minus complications

Bookkeeping and accountancy are always seen as a complicated and tedious process. It does not have to be because you just do a book as long as your know-how. The major purpose of the book is recording financial of the organization. Learn the basics of doing books in Malta so that you eliminate perceived complications from this process. Bookkeeping is the procedure of recording your financial transactions as a business in the year. It is among the necessary processes that your business cannot survive without. The bookkeeper is the one to do your books. The importance of this book Even though it is viewed as the routine task and does not directly contribute to the process of generating income for the business, it has to be among the priorities of the business for the following reasons. The generated records from the book are good for getting you the finance you need for the business. This is usually the basic requirement from lenders before approving a loan for your business. Also, your records will determine the financial obligations of your business to the taxman so as to provide the required deductions as reflected in the records. In case you are not able to give these documents and fail in fulfilling your obligation, you may end up facing huge penalties. Your books have the ability to determine the steps you require to improve your business operations and how to take the business to another level. Minus accurate diagnosis of financial conditions, you will not have the ability to handle cash flow in the right way. It is assumed that the most crucial individual in the organization is the accounting clerk or bookkeeper. Why is it that there is a lot of value for the bookkeeper or accountant? The underlying reason is that the business will not see progress when it does not have transaction records. For the financial institution or business entity to move forward, it requires an organization of financial records. This is crucial for having the ability to plot growth and to have the ability to design or contrive an action plan for growth. Bookkeeping in Malta is, therefore, a process of recording financial transactions of a firm. The bookkeeper will keep track of transactions of the business or company and then prepare a report that can be consolidated into a daybook that consists of sales receipts, payments, purchases, receipts for the business entity or firm. After the consolidation of these reports, they will then be utilized by accountants to formulate an income statement plus a balance sheet. Due to its extreme volatile nature, the work of the bookkeeper is very crucial for the functions of the firm, and are the first to get pirated by other firms or in case there is a takeover from another company by competitor entities, it is the role of the bookkeeper that stays put. Bookkeeping in Malta is not just the only crucial aspect to the business entity but is also very crucial for individuals. Most likely since the whole world is feeling its effects due to the financial crisis, bookkeepers, accountants, and accounts clerks are now increasing in their demand. Even companies specializing in information technology are cashing in on the requirement for the necessary bookkeeping packages by coming up with software solutions that will fit in the company type that is in need. There are also sites that are providing bookkeeping and accountancy services. You can do your books in two methods; you can record your entries manually or automate your process by use of reliable bookkeeping software. Since most of the tasks are routine entries, many businesses choose to go for automated processes by use of reliable and preferred software. The programs enable you to experience simplified bookkeeping in Malta to get accurate results. Read Also : Top Tips For Making Business Purchases Tips On Selecting A Storage Solution For Your Growing Business Why Every Business Needs Digital Marketing Getting Your Personal Finances In Order With A Proper Budget Strategy


Five Things Every Great Leader Should Know

The term leadership is a quite cumbersome task they must have a set of skills and qualities for effectively managing the people. The skills and knowledge should be good enough for leading the people on the right path. The qualities of the leaders may get differed because they might have different strengths, makeup’s and challenges. Handling the leadership position is quite a tedious process; you have to put a lot of effort into achieving the required goals. Sometimes, you might have to stand in a situation to take the toughest decision that may not be acceptable by the other people. There are numerous amounts are some under your leadership, so you have to handle them equally in the right platform. Let see some of the important things that every leader should know. Prepare Your Team Members To Achieve Your Goal: The success of the business does not only depend upon the qualities and skills of the leaders but also by the working employees. As a leader, you should deliver the requirements of the organizations as well as how it helps to enhance business growth. Without proper, your team members will not able to work effectively. Therefore, you should prepare them in a great way to acquire your goals at lower costs. The success and failure of the enterprises completely depend on your training, so you would be very careful. Clarify And Correct The Mistakes: Sometimes, your team members may have a chance to do mistakes. At that situation, you have to ask them to correct the mistakes immediately. If any of the queries and doubts they have, you have to clarify it frequently. When working with the difficult areas, you have to join them and work together to identify the mistakes. The employees, as well as the leaders, have to responsibility towards the failures and mistakes. Therefore, you would keep on focusing the, to learn from those mistakes. Expose Confidence: As a leader, you have to spread your confidence in front of your team members for encouraging to do their work. Your enhanced confidence level should be a great inspiration for them. While going to begin the new project or task, you have to boost up their energy and confidence level. Induce them to Communicate: The decision-making process is the most important factor to be considered in between the team members. First and foremost, leaders have to encourage their team members to make them feel comfortable. Then the work should be familiar and easy for them. They must be ready to communicate with you all the time for sharing their ideas and opinions. Teach them politely: Effective leaders like G Scott Paterson and others know the methodologies for treating their team members in the right way. Toronto-based media venture capitalist Scott Paterson started his career in the investment industry and considered to be one of the leading technology investment bankers in Canada. Make use of this information and run your business in a good way. Thus, these are all the important qualities required for all the leaders. Read Also: 4 Business Leadership Skills For Business Success Five Essential Qualities That Define Great Leadership Why Is Mentoring Important In Leadership?

Effective Training Program

How to Create an Effective Company Training Program

There are different ways of investing in your company, and providing a Training Program for your employees is one of them. You could be training new or existing employees on new trends, but all this works when you have a strategic program. Effective training is more than just sharing information. This is an opportunity to expand the knowledge of your employees on certain matters. Leading companies in Dubai know that allowing employees to go for courses might delay projects; however, training is beneficial to both the organization and individuals. Why Training Programs are Beneficial for Your Company: Although these programs are costly, for instance, taking the employees from the office, the benefits outweigh the costs. Below are some of the reasons why you should consider a training program. Training increases your employees’ productivity and adherence to the quality standard of work in the departments. Trained workers are effective, and they rarely make common mistakes, they are consistent in their work, therefore, increasing productivity. These programs help the employees to improve their skills and eliminate problems before they escalate. It also helps the team to stay competitive. Corporate training in Dubai will help your staff to stay innovative; this boosts their creativity and helps the company to stay ahead of the competitors. Tips for Creating an Effective Training Program: The best way to create an effective training program is to start by developing a plan. The following steps will ensure that your training program is useful to your staff and company. Define the Goals and Measures of Success: Before starting the training, you ought to define the base of your program, for instance, the goals and how you will measure the outcome. First, you need to identify the departments or the staff that needs training. Developing a detailed plan for the employees helps you to create an effective program that suits their schedule and needs. After identifying the staff that needs training, you can go on to establish your business goals. You can include all the team-building activities for various departments. Create the Outline of your Program: After establishing your goals and team-building activities, the next step is to decide how to approach the content. Start with the outline and concentrate on the subject you want to address in the program. A simple way to choose a topic is by selecting the topic that suits the employees. Focus on the training goals and objectives. Decide on how you are going to present the training to the employees. Confirm that the audio, visual, and multimedia slideshows work. Create the Plan: To create an effective program, you need to define the learners’ objectives and focus on strengthening their weaknesses. The topic should include a significant area and how the program can help to solve or improve the problem. Choose appropriate team-building activities that help the staff to learn and improve their skills. Decide whether you want to use online resources for individuals or onsite; this depends on your budget. Engage the Audience: The program will only be successful if the learners are engaged. Ensure that your audience can understand and grasp each concept of the program. Confirm that each of them feels comfortable and confident in what they do. Divide the content into smaller parts for better understanding. This helps to avoid confusion and misinterpretation among the audience. Ensure that the learners understand that team-building activities are as important as the rest of the content. Conduct a Test: Before the program, you ought to conduct a pilot test to establish what works and what needs improvement. It is easier to fix the content at this stage rather than when the program is underway. You can even ask the participants to take a survey comment on what they think worked and suggest any improvements. Measure the Success of Your Program: The significance of measuring the success of your program is that it will help you to improve your current and future programs. Once the program is underway, you can start monitoring the engagement and the effectiveness of your program. Ensure that the team-building activities deliver the intended results. Translate the outcome into improvements that can benefit your program and the participants. Measuring the success of the program is as important as training. Conducting surveys and interviewing the workers and their supervisors help you find out whether the desired results were achieved. Ask the employees if they notice any changes after the program. Whether you are a startup or an established company, an effective training program is important for the company and the employees. Training enables the workers to remain innovative and confident in their departments. Remember to conduct a pilot test to improve weak areas and to update the program. Don’t forget to measure the success of your program; this helps to improve your future training. Read Also: Doing Business In The UAE: Pros And Cons Planning The Perfect Event Charter In Dubai 3 Ways To Boost Employee Engagement In Your Business